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Resultat - Konsulenter - Teknisk konsulentvirksomhet

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

DMF er et forum i dagligvarehandelen for koordinering av felles overordnede utfordringer knyttet til bærekraft og redusert miljøbelastning. Vårt fokus er på: Logistikk, redusert utslipp fra transport, emballasje, lastbærere, verdikjedeoptimalisering, trygg mat, retur og gjennvinning av emballasje og materiale.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

**** OBS. Vi skal flytte til 2.etg.(ved hjørnet på Class Ohlson) på Strandtorget Kjøpe Senteret. I forbindelse med byggeperioden, må butikken dessverre holdes stengt. Vi holder stengt i perioden 10.Januar - 1.mars (Muligens helt til 5\10. Mars). Lillehammer Mobilreparasjon AS er en mobilfikser som holder til p... Les mer

GE Renewable Energy’s advanced technology harnesses the earth’s most abundant natural resources – the strength of the wind, the heat of the sun, and the force of the water – delivering green energy to people in the world’s biggest economies and most remote communities. Our portfolio of solutions for hydropower generation includes the broadest range of hydro solutions and services: from water to w... Les mer

PowerTech Engineering er en uavhengig systemintegratør med høy kompetanse på hele prosessen fra feltinstrumentering til SD-anlegg, SCADA- eller MES-system. PowerTech Engineering har bred erfaring gjennom tunge automasjons- og integrasjonsprosjekter. Vi er totalleverandør av automasjonsløsninger og gjennom de siste års satsing på egen programvareutvikling har bedriften vokst til et solid kompeta... Les mer

Kystplan AS bistår næringskunder, kommuner og grunneiere med de fleste typer søknader/papirer som skal til kommunene i forbindelse med eiendomsutvikling. Firmaet selger konsulenttjenester innenfor planarbeid, byggesak, digitalisering, GPS, prosjektledelse. Vi er i dag 4 ansatte, fordelt på Hitra, Rissa og Steinkjer.

Nordomatic exists to accelerate an open and sustainable future. We have more than 50 years of experience of integrating open BMS technology solutions into buildings. Right from its inception, Nordomatic has been a pioneering and innovative company.

Minoko er en samarbeidspartner for designdrevet innovasjon og teknisk produktutvikling. Gjennom design og engineering hjelper vi både godt etablerte og nyetablerte bedrifter med å skape produkter som gir verdi for menneskene rundt oss, bedriften selv og for fremtiden. Vi er designere og ingeniører i Minoko. Sammen med kundene våre drives vi av å skape smartere løsninger for fremtiden, for både me... Les mer

Blue Logic is run by entrepreneurs with long, extensive experience in subsea installation, operation, tooling and maintenance, for intervention and permanent installation. Our vision is a "One Subsea World". For us, that means: - Standardisation of interfaces - Harmonisation of requirements - Module-based thinking We are here to help you industrialise your subsea production systems. We are ready ... Les mer