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Resultat - Vaktselskaper

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

Loomis håndterer kontantstrømmen i samfunnet. Loomis tilbyr et bredt spekter av helhetsløsninger innen verdihåndtering.

Sikkerhetsgruppen Nordstrand har den raskeste utrykningstiden på Nordstrand og vi er det eneste vaktselskapet som tilbyr boligalarm med 10 min. utrykningsgaranti! Vi leverer det nyeste innen alarmanlegg og skreddersyr dette etter kundens ønske. Vi leverer også brann-, vann-, assistanse- og innbruddsalarm.

Testpartner AS er det største og best etablerte inspeksjonsselskap i Nord-Norge med sertifisert fagpersonell som har svært lang erfaring i inspeksjonsbransjen innen kraftproduksjon, olje og gass, Subsea, maritim, infrastruktur og prosessindustri både på land og offshore, og som kan tilby et bredt spekter innen de relevante kontroll, testing og sertifiseringmetodene. Vi har gode samarbeidspartnere... Les mer