Resultat - Sikkerhetstjenester
The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.
The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.
The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.
The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.
Zeab AS er en spesialisert aktør innen alarm, fiber og sikringsanlegg, og tilbyr omfattende tjenester innen elektrikerarbeid. Med høyt fokus på sikkerhet og moderne teknologi, leverer Zeab AS skreddersydde løsninger som dekker alt fra alarm- og overvåkingssystemer til installasjon av fiber og komplekse sikringsanlegg. Zeab AS legger vekt på kvalitet og sikkerhet i alle sine prosjekter, og kombine... Les mer
KS Elektro
- Varme og varmepumper
- Energimerking
- Byggautomasjon
- Bestill befaring
- Elbillading
- Elsikkerhet
- Solseller
- Elbil og elbillading
- Elkontroll
- Smarthus
- Solceller
- Alarm og sikkerhet