Resultat - Maritime tjenester
- Floating offshore wind
- Industrial innovation
- Environmental exploitation
- Zephyros Ocean Academy
- Higher education
Bøvågen Service AS er en Mesterbedrift som blei etablert i 1996 og vi er din lokale leverandør innen Skjærgårds Service, Sjøtransport, stillas, telt, maling, tømrerarbeid, samt vaktmestertjenester. Vi er leverandør av bemanningstjenester med utleie av kvalifisert personell innen ulike fagområder som stillasmontører, industrimekanikere, platearbeidere, industrirørleggere, truckførere, BES vakter ... Les mer
North Sea Shipping has more than 30 years experience within the Energy, Oil and Gas Industry. The company was founded in 1984 and is owned by the Klepsvik and Økland families. The Headquarter is in modern facilities in a prime waterside location in Bakkasund, Austevoll where the business is focused on providing quality services through experienced, international personnel and first class assets.